Monday, August 25, 2014

The little secret with children

A friend asked me what makes me go back to work with children. As i was pondering over this question, she hinted about her motivation. She is a person who quit her well-paid job with an advertising agency to start working with children. Beyond feeling life's purpose, the one thing that makes her go back to children she said is that they don't get judgemental. In adult's world it is such a rare scenario. 

Over weekends, I work with children from a community organization. What motivates me is that they exist as symbols of hope for change. If i can open their minds to look for knowledge and help them start thinking big, then i'm moving in the right direction.

My dad often tells me that if someone does not know the value of something do not give them that. I agree. There is nothing more discouraging than people taking things for granted. But when i work with children this never occurs. Does that mean that all children grab their opportunity to learn with both the hands? No. But it does not deter people like my friend and me from going back to work with them. Trying to understand why we will find that it is because we forgive children. We allow them to make mistakes. We give them several chances. And its not just us who are contributing to this relationship, children play an equally important role. They are more open to change when compared to adults. Change is easier in their world. They are excited and open about their feelings. They don't feel shy to talk their mind. They don't weigh brains over hearts. They tend to be their natural selves. They are comparatively more in touch with their core when compared to adults. 

When there is openness to think big, there is hope for a better, bigger world. There is hope for a world that is functioning at its highest possible level.

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